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Architectural Design Services

        Frequently Asked Questions  

Planning FAQ's

Why do I need planning permission?

  • In a nutshell, it is to ensure a development is in keeping with it's surroundings and minimises the impact it has on nearby people and places.

How long does it take to get planning permission?

  • Once plans are drawn and submitted it usually around 8 weeks for a domestic application, however Merseyplans operates a fast track system and we have received approvals in as little as 6 weeks.

How much does it cost to get planning permission?

  • That depends on the complexity of the project but Merseyplans will always aim to beat any written quote.

Email us with details of your proposal for an estimated cost.

Can Merseyplans guarantee getting me planning permission?

Anybody who gives that guarantee is making a very bold statement. Merseyplans will give you a qualified professional opinion as to whether you will gain planning permission, however it is important to note the planning process involves the interpretation of planning policies that are determined by professionals in the Local Authority.What Merseyplans can offer is the guarantee of a close working relationship with your Local Authority to try and 'tick every box' and get you the planning permission you want.

Can my neighbour stop me building an extension?

This is one of the biggest myths in planning. Your neighbour cannot stop you developing your property as you wish. They have the right to comment upon any planning application you make and the Planning Officer assessing the application will have to take their views into account however it is the Councils Planning Policies which the decision will be based upon.

How long will it take Merseyplans to produce my plans?

We can provide you with just scaled plans drawn up or a fully completed planning application within 7 days.

Typical Fees are as follows:

  • Plans Drawn and submitted for single storey extension from £250.00
  • Plans Drawn and submitted for two storey extension from £500.00
  • Plans Drawn and submitted for Change of Use business application from £150.00
  • Advert and Shopfront planning applications from £250.00
  • Planning Appeals from £150.00
  • Planning Enforcement Appeals POA

Merseyplans will get you planning permission quickly.

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